Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The slump is over

Ok, so not totally, but the Magic slump is. I haven't spent any more money since I last posted, so the total is still 48. I've manage to either second place or first place all the tournaments I've been in since the last posting. My ranking has gone up to an average 1604. WHOO HOO! No longer in the special Olympics category. Anywho, I joined a 5-3-2-2 tonight cause the 2-1 tourny wasn't firing and took second in that with a new Reveilark deck that I put together today. It was a blast to play and came back from certain defeat more then once. I have suspended drafting until Conflux comes out in February. It's just not profitable for me as it is for Darque.

Halo is still a little rocky. We seem to do ok in the beginning of the match, but then around 30-35 kills, they just run away with it. I am really getting tired of facing people way out of mine and the Mrs. league. Darque is really good, and is ten rankings above us. As a result of that, we end up facing better teams. Everyone says it shouldn't matter...but I really feel like I'm being forced to play at a level that I'm not at yet. Ah well, whatcha gonna do. Maybe the Mrs. and I can practice during January.

Until next time, remember......All work and no play

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