Things to Note:
This is in regards mainly to Std only. I will mention some extended and Block possibilities where applicable, but on the whole, I'm generally reviewing in regards to std.
Star Ratings are from 1-5, here's how I break it down:
*-Absolute Jank, should not have been printed
**-Casual only card, will not see tournament play
***-A good stable card. Good sideboard material
****-These are what great decks are made of
*****-Bombs! These will almost singlehandedly win you the game

You know that mana ramp deck that I keep saying might make a resurgence in std. Well if it does, say hello to it's end game. This ia an example of a big Timmy card that has constructed potential. If the big mana deck that I think is coming does, you'll see 1 or 2 of these guys in it. If not, then I just see this as a dominating force in limited. Not only can you get a 10/10 for seven mana, but it can ping things as well. A good card that might become great.

I like this card, mainly because it reminds me of rumbling slum, which was always a fav card of mine. An interesting design here is the second ability which is designed specifically for multi-player. Not many cards address the format, and it's nice to see it getting a little love. For 7 mana you get a 5/5 with flying and trample. It's not horrible, but it's not great either. The ability is what saves it from being utter trash, as this could truly impact the long game if it goes unchallenged. I forsee a bright limited and multi-player future for this card, but no std play.

For 7 mana, if I'm not casting an ultimatum, then it's really not worth it. the trample and 6/6 stats make his ability relevant, but unless limited slows down I don't see this being impactful in any format. i think if this and the vampire above would have cost 6 mana, then their fates might have been different in std.

If a 5 color deck becomes prevelant in the new std, meet one of of it's star players. A 6/6 trampler for 5 is nothing to sneeze at. And if you kill it, it pulls an Akroma's Vengeance and takes out any errant planeswalkers. It's too bad white has 2 cheap answers to this guy. I see a deck getting built that features him, and it possibly doing well, but I think that a white/red deck with path to exile will be more powerful.

8 mana to get 5 cards into your HAND! PLEASE! This is the namesake card of the set, and it BLOWS! It's seriously the worst mythic rare yet, even over Lich's Mirror. Now, if this put them into PLAY, then it would be awesome, instead we have this sorry excuse for a spell.

This card should read "Replace negate in all faerie decks with me", cause that's what it's going to do. If you're playing negate and black, then this card is clearly superior, and will replace negate in all decks that can support it.

A....6 mana...Aura. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry sorry, but this card is absurd. In limited you might put one in to try and give some late game flying, but if you're casting this crap on turn 6, then your deck isn't that good. There is NO constructed possibilties for this. It costs WAY too much and offers no protection for the creature it enchants.

3/3 flyer for 4 mana, nice undercosted creature for blue/white. I don't think it's good enough for std, but it'll be a nice staple in limited.

What do you get when you combine Rampant Growth with Tribal Flames? A darn good card that's what. This is a great mana fixer combined with a powerful burn spell to the dome. I see it finding a home in both Std and Block.

A vanilla 8/8 creature for 5 mana. That's on the border of being good enough for std. Obviously this is going to be a bomb in limited if your going 5 color, in std I don't know if it will make the cut, but I know an 8/8 is not to be ignored.

I've never been a fan of "kill it after it hurts you" cards. The damage has already been done, ya know. I think the Exalted mechanic gives it a little more reach, but not enough to avoid the crap rare pile.

All of the outlanders will be playable in the right deck. So my review for all of them is that they are 2/2's for 2, and will be played if a deck evolves that has they're colors.

Casting a repeatable pacifism on creatures is good, but giving your opponents extra cards is not. Now if the effect was permanent then it might be usable, however all someone has to do is fry this guy with any type of burn, and all the creatures he took out are back in action. Not a good spell for competitive play.

This is a well designed devour creature that rewards the player for using the ability that they are probably going to use anyway. I don't see much standard potential, but it'll be a nice limited card.

3 mana for the ability to make any of your creatures unblockable. Yeah i see this guy going places in limited. The white/blue combination doesn't foster many aggresive decks and therefore might limit this card's usefulness in std.

This card is already having extended and standard decks being built around it. In extended with it's fetch lands, this is generally a 4/4 when it comes out. It's ability can search for any land, and can get you out of color screw. This is going to be an "it" card from conflux, get 4 now!

There are better Mana fixers that cost less, so i don't see this card making a big std splash. In limited it's a nice accelerator. If the Big mana ramp deck does develop, you might find this as part of it.

Another "it" card right here. The Angel's ability is just too kickass for words. Obviously it's incredibly powerful if it goes off even once. I mean, imagine casting a cruel ultimatum off of this baby, game over right? A nuts card in block, limited, and std hands down. I don't know how much of a role Path to Exile is going to play in making this card work in a viable deck, but I think we will be seeing this card show up every now and then for the next two years.

Very interestingly designed card, but far too expensive for what it does. If it was 20 life, I'd say it was a lot better, but 10? Either you're in trouble and are stalling, or you're taking a few points off an opponent in the lead. 7 mana should effectively end the game, this barely effects it. Workable in limited, but crap in constructed.

Discard your hand...Um no thanks, I don't like losing. So this card says, you give up your hand, which on turn six is about 2-4 cards. They sac 2-4 creatures, and then use the rest of their hand to remove this guy, and beat the piss out of the now topdecking idiot. Sorry if I'm being harsh, but this game is too dependent on card advantage to be tossing away your hand.

Ooh, I so want to make this card work in a deck. The effect is nuts if it gets to go off. In std, I think the fact that it can be hit by terror and all it's similar effects plus Path to Exile plus Celestial Purge, I just don't think it's going to see all that much play unfortunately. in draft though, you will FIRST PICK this guy everytime.

All of the outlanders will be playable in the right deck. So my review for all of them is that they are 2/2's for 2, and will be played if a deck evolves that has they're colors.

Ah, Nichol Bolas, the biggest baddest planeswalker this side of Dominaria.
Yes, he is ultra-powerful, and his abilities reflect that
Yes, his ultimate ability wins the game
Yes, he can be an insane disruptive force on your opponent.
Yes, he will be play in std tournaments...oh wait no, this one is wrong.
While being the big "get me" card of the set, Nichol Bolas just doesn't effect the board enough at 8 mana to justify his inclusion over the cheaper Cruel Ultimatum. While the casual players and limited players will love this guy, he won't be in any constructed top 8's.

Protection from Everything! Excuse me while i go have a Timmygasm. The Legacy circle is already trying to find ways to abuse this. I'm working on a Dramatic Entrance deck that features it even. Now, in Legacy, a competitive deck might evolve, and someone smarter then me might make Dramatic entrance work for it too. I hope it does, cause I would love to play with this card. I mean, it can't be targeted, no blocking, can block everything. Nuts card, but way too expensive and difficult to cast.

Hmm, 5 mana for a 2/3 exalted that gives you 3 life when it comes into play. First off, at 5 mana in an exalted deck you want Battlegrace Angel, not this card. It's also way under the curve compared to it's closest relative Loxodon Hierarch, which was 4 mana, gave 4 life, and was a 4/4. This is just an overpriced underperforming card.

Well move over Nantuko Husk, a better sacrifice outlet was just printed. Some kind of Husk deck always makes it's way into the std metagame, and this time they'll have this big boy to make the sacs count for counters instead of just +2/+2 for a turn. Very nice card.

Ok, so it's Ashenmoor Gouger with one less toughness, one less colored mana, and unearth. The unearth might help this card supercede it's heartier cousin, especially with all the good unearth creatures in this set, but time will tell. I think this is good enough for std, but I might be wrong.

6 mana, underpowered, crappy ability. Crap rare, NEXT!

So for 4 mana in esper I can have a 4/4 flying Gargoyle, or I can have this guy. He's a 3/3, and I get an ability when I cast my other esper guys. There's already a more efficient creature at his mana cost. he'll end up in esper limited deck, and then the trade binder.

I think this card is too expensive for what it does. However, it does fetch any creature from your esper deck so it might find a home.

This is a limited only card. It's too expensive and doesn't do enough. I think it's extremely flavorful, but just a narrow card. It'll get played in limited, but not in constructed.

This will be a nice addition to the "Power of Five" draft deck. Regenerate is a great ability for that deck, and this card will be a welcome member. Won't see play outside of limited though.

All of the outlanders will be playable in the right deck. So my review for all of them is that they are 2/2's for 2, and will be played if a deck evolves that has they're colors.

This guy will be played in limited only. His ability is cheap and useful, but at 5 mana he just costs too much.

All of the outlanders will be playable in the right deck. So my review for all of them is that they are 2/2's for 2, and will be played if a deck evolves that has they're colors.

All of the outlanders will be playable in the right deck. So my review for all of them is that they are 2/2's for 2, and will be played if a deck evolves that has they're colors.
So gold definately got the most powerful cards of the set as it should have. Tomorrow's the atifact and land review and reflections on the set as a hole. Don't miss it.
Card to watch out for:
1)Maelstrom ArchAngel
2)Child of Alara
3)Exploding borders
4)Knight of the Reliquary
5)Apocalypse Hydra
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