Things to Note:
This is in regards mainly to Std only. I will mention some extended and Block possibilities where applicable, but on the whole, I'm generally reviewing in regards to std.
Star Ratings are from 1-5, here's how I break it down:
*-Absolute Jank, should not have been printed
**-Casual only card, will not see tournament play
***-A good stable card. Good sideboard material
****-These are what great decks are made of
*****-Bombs! These will almost singlehandedly win you the game

See this card...get use to it. You'll lose alot of games to it, and you'll win alot because of it too. Expect to see this as a finisher in almost every deck that can support it. An uncounterable and unpreventable finisher to the dome...every aggressive player's dream was just printed.

I really want this card to suceed, I really do. I like the design, and the little Timmy part inside me just wants to see this thing survive 2 turns to get a 5/5. I just don't see it happening. Even if you have a black and green permanent out on turn 1. That means turn 2 this is a 1/1, turn 3 and it's a 3/3. Then on turn 4 your opponent can wrath, or he/she can firespout on turn 3. While I really like the card, i don't see it impacting std that much. It might see play in a Jund block deck, and it's an excellent limited creature.

Alara version of hill giant. Moving on.

Boy do I like this card. I know that it's three mana for 2 damage, but in a red and black deck this can destroy any creature! Not "nonartifact nonblack", but anything! I think that fact alone gives this card enough versatility that you'll see it pop up in std, block, and limited. Extended already has better removal, but you might see this floating around there after a rotation or two.

While this card is better then it's white counterpart, I still like it's black cousin better. Honestly I think this whole cycle is just jank. The abillities are good, but one will have to either be in a pretty big bind, or just have a crap deck if he's wasting a turns worth of mana on making this guy into something that could be permanently put into play for one more mana aka basically any Dragon. Don't get me wrong though, this will be played in limited for the 2/2 first strike for 3 mana which isn't terrible. The five olor casting cost though, is just...well too damned expensive I think.

Ok, so this one breaks the absolute crappy cycle of another basic land cycling card that is only good for basic land cycling. 6 mana for 5 damage isn't unplayable in limited, and even in block. The fact that's it's only target creature only will probably keep it off of the std decklists. If the word player was on here, I bet there'd be a bit more hype about this card. As it is, it's serviceable, and should be a nice addition to any limited deck.

This card has serious potential. It's 3/4 body will keep it alive against most removal, and it has a cheap and efficient ability. Red decks rarely need all the mana they draw, and it's ability already combos very well with Countryside Crusher from Morningtide. Definitely keep an eye on this one.

Another great card here. I've already seen this card pop up in extended decklists, which means it will be in std, and in block, and in draft. Spark elemental was already a pretty card, and giving it unearth just made it that much better. The increase in initial casting cost just means that this card won't have to compete with it's cousin for mana cost slots. Really great card, and you'll be seeing alot of it.

A watered down Incinerate that can only target white or blue creatures. The ability to target multiple creatures really saves this card from being too narrow, and it might be decent sideboard material against faeries or kithkin.

A decent limited card with some built in protection for it's weak back end. It will be played in the "power of 5" naya draft deck for sure. I don't see it doing much else though. Limited or casual only card.

A) It's an aura, so it's got to be really powerful or nuts to even be considered good.
B) +2+2 and can't block....nope, does not meet the above requirements, crap aura

Limited-***(*) if playing against esper
This is an esper hoser to keep the deck from becoming too powerful. The cucling is a nice addition, however the card really only buys you time. The best esper deck recur there creatures and spells from the graveyard so much, that I don't know how effective this card will be.

This is a decent spells. Being that the current environment is leaning toward "all colors of mana, all the time" I don't know if you'll see this card really make an impact. Maybe after Lorwyn/Shadowmoor rotate out. Nice unique design though, and 4 mana for 6 damage is very nice if you can pull it off.

He's an ok card with a good cheap ability. He's also a 2/2 for 4, and his ability requires mana. So idealing you'd want to cast him on turn five so you could make an elemental right away. With that math it just doesn't seem worth it. On turn 5 I want something more then a 3/1 and a tapped 2/2. i don't see him going anywhere except the limited table.

A good one drop that proves troublesome in combat later. Always nice to have in a limited deck. He might see std play, but only if Mogg fanatic isn't in 11th edition. As of right now, he's just outclassed in std.

I've learned never to underestimate a creature with the double-strike keyword. I see this guy making trouble in limited, especially if given a maniacal rage or a manaforce mace. The pump ability is nice in a limited jund deck. I'm not seeing std glory for this boy though. If he were a 1/2, maybe, but even then I doubt you'd see him make a major impression. Just not powerful enough.

An instant pyroclasm that can't be countered. Why doesn't this card just read "Kill all faerie decks", cause that's basically what this card was designed for. It's ahead of the curve in power, and will probably replace pyroclasm for as long as it's in standard.

This guy was built for comboing with dragon fodder and all the goblins in lorwyn and shadowmoor. I know I'm putting one copy into my 100-card singleton goblin deck. You'll most definitely see him as a finisher in limited, but I'm getting that twinge i get when I see certain cards. And with dragon fodder, goblin assault, and siege gang commander all in std...I can see a deck where this guyu could be lethal.

A very decent Domain mechanic card and one of the only ones not taken from an invasion inspired card. I like the design, and I think you'll see it alot in limited. I don't see it impacting std though.

Some people really like this card. I have no idea why. It's 4 mana for a 2/2 flyer that after it chump blocks and dies you can pay five different colors of mana to bring it back as a 4/4. I think it's just too mana intensive for this std environment, plus with all the remove from game removal in white, I'd be wary of playing graveyard dependent creatures right now.
So red got some lovin from wizards this round. With new staples like Volcanic Fallout and Banefire, red will be very popular come February 6th
Cards to watch-
1)Banefire (this will be 20 dollars, get them NOW!)
2)Volcanic Fallout
3)Hellspark Elemental
4)Bloodhall ooze (I hope)
5)Dark Temper
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