Things to Note:
This is in regards mainly to Std only. I will mention some extended and Block possibilities where applicable, but on the whole, I'm generally reviewing in regards to std.
Star Ratings are from 1-5, here's how I break it down:
*-Absolute Jank, should not have been printed
**-Casual only card, will not see tournament play
***-A good stable card. Good sideboard material
****-These are what great decks are made of
*****-Bombs! These will almost singlehandedly win you the game

I like these "Power of 5 deck" helpers. Rakeclaw Gargantuan and Mosstodon were always welcome additions in a Naya draft deck, and I forsee this card just being a counterpoint to them, so it'll be played in limited.

This card has all the makings of a great std competitor. It's above the curve on power, and has two great abilities that shouldn't be too hard to satisfy the conditions too. Especially considering that Figure of Destiny is both colors needed and fit's fight into the type of aggressive deck that this would. The only thig that might hold him back is the 3 toughness and lack of first strike. Time will tell on this one, but I for one this it'll be in more then one decklist come the new standard season.

Interesting ability, it's definaitely original, but I don't see it getting used much. I mean a 2 mana 2/2 is really kinda ugh in today's std metagame. The ability is cheap enough that it's worth it to use, and the added effectiveness of all copies of her getting it is a unique and powerful twist, but how often are you actually going to pull it off? I don't see this making ways, and it's rare status means that you more then likely won't be seeing multiples in limited. Crap rare I say.

An undercosted 3/3 first striker with a red permanent out. In a gold set, that is a really easy condition to pull off. It's above the curve, has reach, and has great stats. Will be played in limited, and might be usable for std

Nice flavorful esper hoser. The added ability to replace itself is definitely a plus. It might replace naturalize in block deck sideboards, but I don't see it making a std showing.

Oooh, a flash devour creature. This is a nice way to save some card advantage when a creature of yours is about to be killed. I wish it would do something with the counters, then I think it would have been playable in std. As it stands this is limited bound, where it will find a home in most jund decks.

Ah, another Domain card that's sub par. So you cast it as a 3/3. If it survives and you have the 4th land then it's a 4/4 attacking, and if it still survives and you have the 5th color, it's a 5/5. Sorry but with all the removal in this format, this card just isn't strong enough.

This Domain card however is strong enough to be a std competitor. As a functional reprint of Gaea's Might, this card will find a home. Gaea's might was played in std, and is still played in extended sometimes. Excellent common to pick up.

A good sideboard limited card for limited. Extremely fragile with the 1 toughness, and probably won't see much play unless esper takes off.

My first reaction to this card was something that you see in a looney tunes cartoons when the eyes pop out and stuff. Birds of Paradise is arguably the best one drop in the history of Magic, and here it is, reprinted with two less colors and no flying. What do we get in exchange, oh nothing but one of the best mechanics to appear in recent memory, Exalted. It's a 1 drop that not only accelerates, but can affect combat in the late game. Basically, in any deck that doesn't need red or black mana, and needs mana accelration you'll find this little gem there. Really great card, get 4 of them while you can, and before the price shoots up.

This is a nice addition for the power of five deck. It allows them to keep up with the faster decks with weaker creatures, but I see this as really a limited only card, cause at 6 mana in std, your playing something that's really going to impact the game that turn, not if it stays alive for a while and you get to summon more big dudes.

2/3 for 3 mana is a bit underpowered, especially without reach (seriously, why don't all archers have reach, by definition they have bows). The ability is nice, and should play havoc with limited combat math. i don't see anything constructed coming from him, he might be in a block deck, but I doubt it.

This card should read "Bitterblossom tokens and Spellstutter sprite killer". If faeries remains a well played archetype after the insertion of conflux, I imagine you'll be seeing this guy pop up in more then one place. If the Fae fade into obscurity, then so will he.

I like this card ALOT. 4 mana for four cards! That's insane efficiency. Yeah so, they are all land cards, but you've just thinned your deck, and most likely fixed your colors for the rest of the game. I expect to see this in some kind of mana ramp deck, and as a 4-of in any Domain deck.

Ah, Wizards printed an answer to the fact that green needs card drawing, and hasn't had anything good printed since Harmonize rotated out. Enter Soul's majesty, a very flavorful and powerful card drawing machine. Imagine Soul's majestying a Cliffrunner Behemoth, that's 5 mana for 5 cards, again, INSANE! The only reason I rated less then a 4 was because if the creature gets destroyed or bounced before resolution then you've wasted 5 mana, and that's a serious drawback. So good card, but watch when you cast it.

It's 4 1/1 tokens for 4 mana if you have all four possible land types out when you cast it. If you wait till turn 5, it's 5 1/1's. I just don't see this taking off in standard. If the tokens had some kind of evasion maybe, but Spectral Procession is just stright up superior right now.

It's in the color that has the most mana fixing and it gives lifegain. Crappiest card from a crappy cycle.

Ok, first we had Morphling which ruled the tournament scene during it's day. Then we had the red version Torchling, which was generally ignored during it's day. This new green version has a few things going for it. First, it has an indestructible ability, which helps it's playability immensely. Trample is also very nice combined with the "-ling" ability to pump itself up or down. He'll be a bomb in limited for sure,but if he's going to be in std, I think it will be in a mana ramp deck of some sort.

Apparently Fungi are making a comeback in this set. I like the design. This is a nice chump block that conveniently dies twice for you. I don't see many std applications till after Lorwyn/Shadowmoor rotates out. There's just too many good 1 drops right now. You'll see this in limited though I'm sure.

I like this card for limited, 5/4 for 4 mana is above the curve, and the 1 green upkeep isn't that bad. I don't see it seeing constructed play anytime soon, but it's a nice tank for draft or sealed.
So green got some really nice pieces here. Tomorrow we get into the real meat of the multi-colored set...the GOLD cards, don't miss them
Cards to watch in green:
1)Noble Hierarch
2)Cliffrunner Behemoth
3)Soul's Majesty
5)Might of Alara
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