Things to Note:
This is in regards mainly to Std only. I will mention some extended and Block possibilities where applicable, but on the whole, I'm generally reviewing in regards to std.
Star Ratings are from 1-5, here's how I break it down:
*-Absolute Jank, should not have been printed
**-Casual only card, will not see tournament play
***-A good stable card. Good sideboard material
****-These are what great decks are made of
*****-Bombs! These will almost singlehandedly win you the game

I can't get behindthese land cycling cards. I can not see them being used for their actully effects except in the extremely rare occasion where they are top-decked late game. It's a shame too, cause i think basic land-cycling is a pretty neat ability.

This is a neutered version of Pooling Venom from Future Sight. It wasn't played much even in limited back then when it was a better card, and I don't see this version doing even that good. crap

Ah, the common removal spell that you'll really want to see in draft. Honestly, I see this as one of the better uses of the Domain mechanic. It might be good enough to cross over into std even, if a Domain deck takes off. Watch out for this one.

This is an ok one drop for limited, but I definitely don't see any std application for this. Sure the +3 attack and flying is nothing to sneeze at, and will work really nice if you can get it going third turn. The 1 toughness is the reall killer though, as pretty much anything can kill this thing with much trouble. I think if it would have had flying naturally, then that might have made it more useful, but even then...

6 mana for a 5/5 flyer is decent for black. The cheap unearth cost is what really makes this guy special. His ability I can't really see making much fuss over. In all my years playing Magic, I've seen only one milling deck work, and that's when Glimpse the Unthinkable was in std. He is a great finisher in limited, and with that cheap Unearth cost, he just might make the leap to Std in some kind of Corpse Connoisseur unearth deck.

Limited-***(*) in five color
OK, so this is a 5 color activation I can get behind. 5 mana to give your creature a boost, fear, and possibly kill an opposing creature, or at least make it too small to handle the new improved Fleshformer isn't horrible. This card has potential. I don't think std is ready for a five mana activation, but this is the kind of card that great drafts are made of.

Let's see, for six mana, you get a 4/4 creature. When the 4/4 is defeated he leaves a 2/2. Then he can be Unearthed for one last moment of glory and leaves another 2/2 behind when he's removed. This is the kinda math that Riley likes to do. This is going to be in Jund and Grixis deck in draft like Undead leotau. In fact it'll probably replace him if it can. Very nicely designed card. This could cross over to std or block, but its unlikely considering that the best creature in the set so far (Broodmate dragon) shares the same mana cost.

Ooh, a card designed for multi-player. You don't see many of these around. The 4 casting cost for a 2/2 will keep it out of std, but this will see play in draft.

Honestly, this card doesn't look that good on paper, and my first instinct is to say crap rare and move on, but you know sometimes when you look at a card and just see that this could be trouble I don't know why, but I get that feeling from this card. I'll leave the verdict open on this one for now.

I like this card. Especially in a std metagame with both Thoughtsieze and Raven's crime. I think the mono black discard deck might be in for a revival with this guy in the beatdown lead. Make no mistake that this card will make an impact somewhere. Almost a definite appearance in block, std, and draft. It might even crossover to extended where even more efficient discard cards are.

Rotting rats is a card that really makes me think that an Unearth deck could actually work. I mean I see this card being played and putting an extractor demon or Grixis slavedriver in the graveyard, and the Unearthing it for a lower cost. Unearth being uncounterable is very useful, and I could see a deck like this taking shape along with the Thoughrsieze/Raven's combo, and Nyxathis for a finisher. Overall a decent card with the ability to be very good. Also has multiplayer pain in the ass card written all over it.

This card will be in esper draft decks that need a little filler. 1 toughness is just too fragile in limited, and you can forget seeing this guy in std.

And the parts for the Unearth discard deck just keep coming. I like this card's cost, and it's ability is pretty powerful. 2 mana per turn to Raveneous rats someone isn't bad. I see this making an impact somewhere. If the discard deck takes off in std, then it will be in that, but I know I'll be playing it in block, and in draft, the card advantage this thing can generate is pretty sick.

I think this is a nice use of the allied color mechanic I've seen throughout conflux. For 3 mana you get a 2/2 and a boomerang effect. Not hating that. This will be a nice staple in grixis limited decks. Don't see it being played in std, but maybe in block.

This card is hard to judge. If you can cast it for 5 and get 5 cards then it's really worth it. If you can accelerate and cast it early with different lands in play, it might be great. But on the whole, I think it's too slow. By the time 5 mana comes around in std, either their hand will be empty or chock full of counters. The potential of this card will rarely pay off. I can see playing this in a draft domain deck for a late game, make them discard there hand so I can get my alpha strike off without interference. In the end, at sorcery speed and 5 mana, it's just too slow.

Cheap narrow removal. Limited only card

Having seen the rest of the set, I know that there is a card in the gold section that combos perfectly with this, so there may be a place for it. With the exception of that, I don't see much happening with this card.
So there is black, and like usual it got the underpowered share of the pie. I like all the new unearth guys, and the spellchecker nightmare known as Nyxathid. Alot of well designed cards here, just limited in scope and use. Cards to look out for are:
1) Nyxathid
2) Extractor demon
3) Scepter of Fugue
4) Rotting rats
5) Grixis Slavedriver
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