Things to Note:
This is in regards mainly to Std only. I will mention some extended and Block possibilities where abilicable, but on the whole, I'm generally reviewing in regards to std.
Star Ratings are from 1-5, here's how I break it down:
*-Absolute Jank, should not have been printed
**-Casual only card, will not see tournament play
***-A good stable card. Good sideboard material
****-These are what great decks are made of
*****-Bombs! These will almost singlehandedly win you the game

A 4/4 for 3 mana is well above the curve for Blue. It's basically a chump blocker in limited or a 4/4 attacker for the win with Unearth. I can see it being a problem in limited as 4 toughness is difficult to deal with on the third turn. However, I think it's just too weak to compete in std, though I wouldn't be too surprised to see 1 or 2 of these in a control deck to stabilize the early game.

So here we have a cycling version of Dizzy Spell, it was a bad draft card then with transmute, which is an arguably more powerful keyword. While cycling is a more useful ability, I don't see it being played more often.

So we have bad blue removal that can only enchant certain creatures. This card is too limited in scope and will not see play.

It is really hard to pin this card down. The 4 casting cost is very expensive for such a little effect in std. However in Limited which is decided much more in the red zone, this could be game breaking to some decks. I'll say that time will tell on this one.

Esperzoa has the stats to be a a std competitor. A 4/3 flying for 3 mana is a nice package, and with the amount of come into play abilities in esper, one would think it would be an automatic 4-of in any esper deck. However I don't think this is going to be anything exciting. Esper has nothing cheap that one would want to cast again and again to keep this on the field, especially with only 3 toughness to back it up. Final verdict: Could be good, but I don't think so.

5 mana for a 4/4 flyer is a little below the curve for blue, but the ability isn't irrelevant. Being able to do a repeatable mortify can't be ignored, and late in the game this guy could be a serious player in limited. I don't see him making a big splash in standard because of the mana intensiveness of his ability.

I think this card should read Artifact Harbinger. It's an ok deck thinner, but it costs too much. I don't see this really amounting to anything.

A merfolk looter with Exalted. I see this definitely being played in limited. The exalted mechanic might make it breakthrough to std, but I doubt it.

Being one mana, I can see this being played, but I don't think it will amount to much. Sure it could be used to give you some early game land fixing, or even crueler, target your opponent's land and keep him off his colors. So it has range of use, but it's an exetremely fragile 1/1 which dies to pingers, and every other piece of removal in the format.

This is a nice late game limited bomb to draft. Providing you can hard cast him, or better yet "cheat him into play" this can win you the game. Nothing is getting through 11 toughness, in can't be targeted, and with the current push towards 5 color decks, the opponent will more then likely have an island out. In constructed, if you cast a 9 mana spell, it should end the game right there, this doesn't therefore no good. Now if only there was a card that could easily cheat it into play, then it could see some serious play.

Limited-**(**) if in esper heavy deck
Well, I asked for a cheap way to get the leviathan out...and here she is. There is something about this card that just gives me a bad vibe and screams "I'm gonna be trouble". I hope Wizards of the Coast knows what they are doing, cause this card is just waiting for someone brighter then me to break it wide open.

A nice solid limited creature. It's a flying highway robber for one less mana, and there is nothing wrong with that. For std, I don't think it's there yet.

This is the same casting cost as Jace Beleren, and doesn't have near enough versatility. It might be used in limited for a more controlling deck, but pretty much a junk rare.

I think this is a very interesting card for draft. It's a nice 2/4 blocker, and has a good cost effective and useful ability. It will see limited play. In Std, I don't see this making it, but I think that it will be popular in more casual circles.

It's really hard to judge this type of card. I think it might work in a swans type deck where there is only one creature to really find. It might help in limited if your getting mana flooded. Being a sorcery however, as well as 5 mana really hurts it in std. I'm going to go with this not getting much play, but I could be wrong on this one.

The basic landcycling is the only thing that makes this card usable in limited environments only. This will not fly in std. I think it might have worked at 4, but then again people don't really play cancel, and that's 3 mana. Overall, not very traumatic.

Ah, an old friend returns. Unsummon has made appearances in tournament decks before, and it is a powerful limited card. I think it's an example of a nice tempo card, and the new art is really cool I think. Staple reprint, moving on.

I can see this card enabling some sick alpha strikes out of nowhere in limited. The card's power level could make it viable in std even. I can't think of a deck that would need it, but if a 5 color deck is looking to get a big baddie to smash face by getting airborne, here's the card to look to.

This is a solid deck thinner type card. The domain mechanic really helps it in older formats like extended that can have 4 land types out by second turn, making this able able to replace other searchers that wouldn't go as deep. I can see it being played in limited, by not std. Now if the domain mechanic takes off like I think it will when 11th edition (and it's rumored Rav shock lands return), then I'll have to reevauate this card.
So that's the blue review. A tad underpowered, and slightly dissapointing, but blue has had it's day in the sun before, and I'm sure it will again. So it can sit out this set.
Cards to watch:
Master Transmuter
Inkwell Leviathan
Telmin Performance
Cumber Stone
Ethersworn Adjundicator
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