I can tell you one thing. The other players rarely see this coming, and I've taken my fair share of wins because of it. Glenn doesn't think it really gives me an edge, but I believe it gives me a "surprise Factor" that isn't in most Naya decks.
Also, if you'll notice I didn't spend a dime this week, which is a great sign for my goal of "going infinite". I'll be back next week with more news, and I hope more "non-spending" results.
In other news, the Alara Reborn Pre-Release was this weekend, and the entire set is now spoiled. It looks like this ALL GOLD set, the first of it's kind will really shake things up with it's powerful cards at low mana costs, and it's new keyword ability CASCADE, which looks primed to overthrow Storm as the most dangerous keyword in standard.
Stay tuned for more exciting Magic: The Gathering results and news.
And remember, all work and no play...
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