Hey guys, So I believe the last total was -47, well we'll raise that to -69. I bought 22 dollars worth of product because it's payday, I had to drive 3 hours home in the snow, shovel the front walk and it's nix tix draft.
I'm human, so sue me
In constructed I've been doing well in both extended and standard, and just been playing off my wins. I haven't posted them here, cause they were no profit. Just pay 3 tix get 1 pack worth 3 tix.
Edit: Ok, wtf. I guess the holiday promotion brought out all the newbs. I'm getting paired with decks that I've never seen, aren't even good, and are beating me soley on either mana screw or cause I don't know what to side in for them. Anyway, I won two packs in draft and apparently a shard of alara pack went up to 4 tix, so I made 2 tix profit from the sale of them. So -67
Won 2nd in an extended queue with Death Cloud. Would have taken first if I had drawn a fourth land second round against elves. Anyway, -66 is the total. Workin my way down one ticket at a time.
Or 5, down to -62, whoohoo
Edit 12-22-08: Traded in some product to do some mirrodin drafts. They were fun, but not worth it. I won a few constructed, and got down to -58, but then had to buy 12 more tix. So -70 is the total.
Edit 12-23-08: Entered a 5-3-2-2 standard with my BW tokens deck, and won second place. so I made back +5. That's -65 headed into Christmas
December 26, 2008: I played in three tournaments and came in second in all of them. So I was awarded three packs, which made me a profit of two tickets. -63 is the new total.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Kithkin Rule
So I was talking to my best friend today, and he reminded me of something. That I am not a control player. I do not like to stand by and pass my turn, hoping to counter and therefore crush the dreams of my opponents. I do not want to play spell after spell, and win through cloud of instants that do not let my opponent react at all. No, I prefer the direct approach. To summon my superior creature, and send them into the fray. And watch as then devour my opponent army, and smash his head into pulp. This is my kind of deck, the kind of deck that some may call simple, and lacking in strategy, and to them I say what my deck lacks in strategy it makes up for in fun and strength. Bring your counterspells, your elves, and your burn, for I will triumph.
Won with Kithkin and am very happy about it. -43
Edit: Played an extended tournament with an aggro Death cloud deck, and got second, so I made up what I spent, and did the same with kithkin in std. So I turned my 9 dollars into 4 packs. Each pack is 3 tixs(dollars), so i made 13 tix (packs sell online 3 for 10). So total for the evening is -42. Not the dent I wanted to make, but at least it's not higher.
On a side note, I was very impressed by the death cloud deck, and may be trying it out more in extended.

Won with Kithkin and am very happy about it. -43
Edit: Played an extended tournament with an aggro Death cloud deck, and got second, so I made up what I spent, and did the same with kithkin in std. So I turned my 9 dollars into 4 packs. Each pack is 3 tixs(dollars), so i made 13 tix (packs sell online 3 for 10). So total for the evening is -42. Not the dent I wanted to make, but at least it's not higher.
On a side note, I was very impressed by the death cloud deck, and may be trying it out more in extended.

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Ok, So with the 12 dollars I had left I played two 5-3-2-2 constructed queues, and got just blown away by faeries both games. I play Reveillark the first game, and mirror Faeries the next. The cards just didn't flow my way I had color screw in one of the Lark games, but it just was bad beats.
So I'm at -25 at this point
I spent 12 dollars to let me play a little more since this is my day off, and my last one to play Magic all day till after Christmas. I should be putting more lights up, but I'd rather do this. So I played a 2-1 Alara block tourny and watched as I brought the guy to less then 5 life both games before his 5 color control deck just took control, and destroyed me.
So -37 and heading into more. I'll update as I go along.
Edit: Tried out new BR token deck, and lost to 5 color control....grrr
edit edit: spent 9 dollars on extended deck, not counted for this tracking exercise. So with the above loss, I was down to zero tickets. So I purchased 9 more to play with. Current total -46
So I'm at -25 at this point
I spent 12 dollars to let me play a little more since this is my day off, and my last one to play Magic all day till after Christmas. I should be putting more lights up, but I'd rather do this. So I played a 2-1 Alara block tourny and watched as I brought the guy to less then 5 life both games before his 5 color control deck just took control, and destroyed me.
So -37 and heading into more. I'll update as I go along.
Edit: Tried out new BR token deck, and lost to 5 color control....grrr
edit edit: spent 9 dollars on extended deck, not counted for this tracking exercise. So with the above loss, I was down to zero tickets. So I purchased 9 more to play with. Current total -46
And we're back
So tonight I got the draft inch and used my winnings to do a triple shards draft. I got a few good Naya cards, so I tried to force it, but lost first round to a near perfect Esper deck. Master of Etherium, Sharuum the Hedgemon, and more Glaze fiends then I can shake a stick at.
So, in defeat I did a 2-1 std with the reveillark deck that I've been doing so well with, and lost to a red-black-white token deck with furystoke giant as a finisher. I hadn't seen the deck before, and didn't know how to face it. I took it to three, but I lost to a ill timed torrent of souls.
So from +3 to -15 I go, let's see what tomorrow brings.
Until next time, remember....All work and no play
So, in defeat I did a 2-1 std with the reveillark deck that I've been doing so well with, and lost to a red-black-white token deck with furystoke giant as a finisher. I hadn't seen the deck before, and didn't know how to face it. I took it to three, but I lost to a ill timed torrent of souls.
So from +3 to -15 I go, let's see what tomorrow brings.
Until next time, remember....All work and no play
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Reset to Zero
You know, I noticed something that I'm not doing in my Magic reports here. I'm not recording the packs that I win as profit, and therefore throwing off my whole system. So as of Today I am reseting the count to 0 Dollars and starting over.
My starting funds include:
3 Shards of Alara packs = 9 dollars (They went down in value)
16 tickets=16 dollars
Total=25 Dollars
Starting value=0
I am entering into a std 4 man tournament (3 tix...22)
I am playing a jund warrior build from the Star City games 5000 dollar tournament in Philadelphia, seeing how it plays. I'm playing against faeries, and round 1 I keep a shaky mana hand, and the fae perfectly curve out, and I concede on turn 5 when the second mistbind clique lands.
We sideboard, and I side in the raking canopies and mass removal
I get a land heavy hand, but with potential. He thoughtsiezes me first turn revealing a clique, and I know I'm into a fight. He took my obsidian battle axe, therefore limiting the once explosive potential of my hand. I cast two creatures whish he agony warps and terror, but he's stuck on two land, and I have two treetop villages out. I attack with one. He gets a third land and casts a loxodon warhammer. I play a land and send one of the villages in again. He plays a mutavault and passes. I draw my naturalize. Now, I have the choice, send both villages in, or keep one back for naturalize mana. I play it safe and keep one back...he activates his mutavault and blocks with it. I fully expect an occompaning agony warp, but surprisingly he doesn't have it, and loses both his mutavault and 1 life. After he hits me with two pepper smokes trying to bait me to play my jund charm to save my treetop. I naturalize his warhammer instead. Call me cautious, but that think scares me, and I'm ahead in tempo and life. The next turn is uneventful, he passes drawing no land, and I attack with the village, he's down to 8. He plays bitterblossom next turn, leaving one mana open. I attack with the Village, and jund charm it giving it +2/+2, leaving him at three life. With bitter he's done next turn. Unless of course he Mistbind clique's the bitter leaving him at 2 life. Next turn clique's again. Bringing to 6. And cryptic's my village into submission on the third turn. What a turn around....that sucks. But onto the nxt tourny.
This time I'll join a 5-3-2-2, which is 6 tix. It's std, and I'll be using my Reveillark deck that I came in second with last night. So I'm at -9.
Turn 1: mountain, Figure
he plays savage lands tapped
Turn 2:play rugged prairie, and knight of the meadowgrain. I attack with Figure for 1
plays forest, and rampant growth fetching another forest. I think I'm playing jund mana ramp, which means I'm in a race till he starting casting stuff that I can't deal with.
Turn 3: draw and play reflecting pool, pump figure to 2/2, attack with both creatures, score 15-22 due to lifelink from Meadow.
opponent plays fire-lit thicket, and fertile ground. He then cast firespout which wipes my field
Turn 4: draw and play another rugged prairie, and play ajani vengeant tapping his fertile enchanted land.
opponent passes without playing a land
Turn 5: I play ranger of Eros fetching a burrenton forge tender and moggfanatic. I tap his land with Ajani again, and pass, at end of turn he resounding thunders Ajani for 3. Score 15-19 me.
Opponent: plays a twilight mire, and a chameleon colossus.
Turn 6: i play a windbrisk heights, hiding a reveillark under it. I play fanatic, tender, and a figure I drew. I pump the figure to 2/2, and tap his land again.
opponent: he attacks with the colossus, and I block with ranger.
Turn 7: I attack with my three creatures, and pump figure to 4/4 level. I activate the windbrisk, playing Reveillark, and then I tap his colossus with Ajani. He tries to jund charm at EOT turn and sac tender to prevent.
Opponent concedes on upkeep.
Sideboard: I haven't really faced this deck before. I side in wraths to take care of his big creatures, and voice of all's to block the big scary things in his deck. I side out mogg fanatics and rangers
Turn 1: he plays reflecting pool and passes
I play windbrisk hiding Ajani
Turn 2: he plays fire-lit, and rampants for a forest
I play a plains, and knight of the meadow grain
Turn3: He plays a kitchen finks
I play battlefield forge and my own kitchen finks, and attack for two with the knight. He lets it pass score 24-20 me.
Turn 4: He plays a swamp and fertile grounds it.
I play a reflecting pool that I draw, and cast murderous redcap. I kill his finks, it comes back. I attack with knight and my finks. We exchange finks, mine comes back, his dies for good. score 27-20 me
Turn 5: he casts firespout which only my redcap survives by persist. The goblin deals him 1 upon re-entry.
I cast a ranger searching up a figurew and a forge-tender.
Turn6: he plays a swamp and passes
I draw my fifth land and attack with the redcap and ranger. He flashes in a cloudthreasher, and blocks the ranger. I have a warth in hand, so I play it safe and play siege-gang commander.
Turn 7: he firespouts again wiping my board, activates his treetop village which he played the turn before, and swings in for ten
ajani and figure tap cloud
t8: activate vcillage to ajani, summon collossus
I wrath and tap village with ajani
t9: he plays a land, and has one card in hand
I keep the village tapped, and summon redcap, and pump figure, attack with figure 13-11, and at eot he resounding thunders me for 6, redirects to ajani.
t10: he summons shriekmaw killing my figure
The next few turns I couldn't blog as I was playing due to time constraints. But what happens was I summoned my second figure and the forge tender. They survived the turn. I attack with my three creatures (redcap, figure, and tender), he double blocks my figure with the shriekmaw and his treetop village, and i pump to 4/4 killing the village. My figure dies, but I summon Vengeant from under windbrisk, and go onto win.
NEXT game:
Windbrisk-> siege
rugged-> mindstone
He plays two vivids and reflecting, ah 5CC, good match up for me.
bant charms my mind stone
I summon finks off second rugged
he plays mystic gate and chameleon
I play plains, ranger, mogg, forge
He hardcasts mulldrifter
second windbrisk, hide ranger, play mogg, forge, and figure, pump figure 2/2
he attacks, i blocks cc with finks, he plays wrath, i sac mogg, and lose my crew.
I summon ajani and meadowgrain, tap reflecting pool
he plays finks
I attack with knight and tap reflecting again
finks attacks ajani for three
he condemns my knight, and I tap his finks
he mannequins his mulldrifter at EOT. On his turn he attacks ajani with the flying fish, and summon cameleon
I'm drawing nothing but land, and tap mull drifter to kill it
he kills ajani with finks, and me with colossus, and pumps the colossus to 8/8, hardcasts mulldrifter
i cast second ajani and tap CC
He kills ajani next turn
I draw land for the 6th turn in a row, and concede
I side in stillmoons and voice of alls and gutteral responses)
I get a quick start with a figure pumped up to a 4/4, and get him down to 6. He tries to stall with bant charm (gutteraled twice), and 2 dryptics. Finally he tried top sower my revielark to his side, but I attacked with the three other creatures I had out, activated windbrisk to reveal a redcap, which killed his sower, and he conceded.
Third game is quick with another uncontested Figure of Destiny getting to 4/4, and him getting stuck on two land.
NEXT game:
Facing Mirror it looks like, or Vengeant weenie which shares cards with me. I get a knight of the meadowgrain out, and he responds with a spectral. I'm getting color screwed getting no red. he attacks, and activates his windbrisk, getting his siege gang commander out. He attacks again, and activate second windbrick summon cloudgoat ranger. Then he summons another siege gang commander.
I concede
Side in wraths stillmoons and VoA
Second game I got him to 6 with a fast attack strategy, then he locked it up. We stared at each other awhile, then I won with an alpha into a windbrisked redcap for the win.
Third game An uncontested Figure took it down with a vengeant activation and redcap summon being the only help. My opponent had Mulled to 5, and never really got in the game.
So i won 5 packs. WhooHoo! that's 15 dollars worth, so that makes up for the 9 tix I used for the tournament entries, and I end the night at +6.
All and all a good night.
P.S.= Played a 2-1 alara block in bed late and lost to weird black and white deck. final total +3
My starting funds include:
3 Shards of Alara packs = 9 dollars (They went down in value)
16 tickets=16 dollars
Total=25 Dollars
Starting value=0
I am entering into a std 4 man tournament (3 tix...22)
I am playing a jund warrior build from the Star City games 5000 dollar tournament in Philadelphia, seeing how it plays. I'm playing against faeries, and round 1 I keep a shaky mana hand, and the fae perfectly curve out, and I concede on turn 5 when the second mistbind clique lands.
We sideboard, and I side in the raking canopies and mass removal
I get a land heavy hand, but with potential. He thoughtsiezes me first turn revealing a clique, and I know I'm into a fight. He took my obsidian battle axe, therefore limiting the once explosive potential of my hand. I cast two creatures whish he agony warps and terror, but he's stuck on two land, and I have two treetop villages out. I attack with one. He gets a third land and casts a loxodon warhammer. I play a land and send one of the villages in again. He plays a mutavault and passes. I draw my naturalize. Now, I have the choice, send both villages in, or keep one back for naturalize mana. I play it safe and keep one back...he activates his mutavault and blocks with it. I fully expect an occompaning agony warp, but surprisingly he doesn't have it, and loses both his mutavault and 1 life. After he hits me with two pepper smokes trying to bait me to play my jund charm to save my treetop. I naturalize his warhammer instead. Call me cautious, but that think scares me, and I'm ahead in tempo and life. The next turn is uneventful, he passes drawing no land, and I attack with the village, he's down to 8. He plays bitterblossom next turn, leaving one mana open. I attack with the Village, and jund charm it giving it +2/+2, leaving him at three life. With bitter he's done next turn. Unless of course he Mistbind clique's the bitter leaving him at 2 life. Next turn clique's again. Bringing to 6. And cryptic's my village into submission on the third turn. What a turn around....that sucks. But onto the nxt tourny.
This time I'll join a 5-3-2-2, which is 6 tix. It's std, and I'll be using my Reveillark deck that I came in second with last night. So I'm at -9.
Turn 1: mountain, Figure
he plays savage lands tapped
Turn 2:play rugged prairie, and knight of the meadowgrain. I attack with Figure for 1
plays forest, and rampant growth fetching another forest. I think I'm playing jund mana ramp, which means I'm in a race till he starting casting stuff that I can't deal with.
Turn 3: draw and play reflecting pool, pump figure to 2/2, attack with both creatures, score 15-22 due to lifelink from Meadow.
opponent plays fire-lit thicket, and fertile ground. He then cast firespout which wipes my field
Turn 4: draw and play another rugged prairie, and play ajani vengeant tapping his fertile enchanted land.
opponent passes without playing a land
Turn 5: I play ranger of Eros fetching a burrenton forge tender and moggfanatic. I tap his land with Ajani again, and pass, at end of turn he resounding thunders Ajani for 3. Score 15-19 me.
Opponent: plays a twilight mire, and a chameleon colossus.
Turn 6: i play a windbrisk heights, hiding a reveillark under it. I play fanatic, tender, and a figure I drew. I pump the figure to 2/2, and tap his land again.
opponent: he attacks with the colossus, and I block with ranger.
Turn 7: I attack with my three creatures, and pump figure to 4/4 level. I activate the windbrisk, playing Reveillark, and then I tap his colossus with Ajani. He tries to jund charm at EOT turn and sac tender to prevent.
Opponent concedes on upkeep.
Sideboard: I haven't really faced this deck before. I side in wraths to take care of his big creatures, and voice of all's to block the big scary things in his deck. I side out mogg fanatics and rangers
Turn 1: he plays reflecting pool and passes
I play windbrisk hiding Ajani
Turn 2: he plays fire-lit, and rampants for a forest
I play a plains, and knight of the meadow grain
Turn3: He plays a kitchen finks
I play battlefield forge and my own kitchen finks, and attack for two with the knight. He lets it pass score 24-20 me.
Turn 4: He plays a swamp and fertile grounds it.
I play a reflecting pool that I draw, and cast murderous redcap. I kill his finks, it comes back. I attack with knight and my finks. We exchange finks, mine comes back, his dies for good. score 27-20 me
Turn 5: he casts firespout which only my redcap survives by persist. The goblin deals him 1 upon re-entry.
I cast a ranger searching up a figurew and a forge-tender.
Turn6: he plays a swamp and passes
I draw my fifth land and attack with the redcap and ranger. He flashes in a cloudthreasher, and blocks the ranger. I have a warth in hand, so I play it safe and play siege-gang commander.
Turn 7: he firespouts again wiping my board, activates his treetop village which he played the turn before, and swings in for ten
ajani and figure tap cloud
t8: activate vcillage to ajani, summon collossus
I wrath and tap village with ajani
t9: he plays a land, and has one card in hand
I keep the village tapped, and summon redcap, and pump figure, attack with figure 13-11, and at eot he resounding thunders me for 6, redirects to ajani.
t10: he summons shriekmaw killing my figure
The next few turns I couldn't blog as I was playing due to time constraints. But what happens was I summoned my second figure and the forge tender. They survived the turn. I attack with my three creatures (redcap, figure, and tender), he double blocks my figure with the shriekmaw and his treetop village, and i pump to 4/4 killing the village. My figure dies, but I summon Vengeant from under windbrisk, and go onto win.
NEXT game:
Windbrisk-> siege
rugged-> mindstone
He plays two vivids and reflecting, ah 5CC, good match up for me.
bant charms my mind stone
I summon finks off second rugged
he plays mystic gate and chameleon
I play plains, ranger, mogg, forge
He hardcasts mulldrifter
second windbrisk, hide ranger, play mogg, forge, and figure, pump figure 2/2
he attacks, i blocks cc with finks, he plays wrath, i sac mogg, and lose my crew.
I summon ajani and meadowgrain, tap reflecting pool
he plays finks
I attack with knight and tap reflecting again
finks attacks ajani for three
he condemns my knight, and I tap his finks
he mannequins his mulldrifter at EOT. On his turn he attacks ajani with the flying fish, and summon cameleon
I'm drawing nothing but land, and tap mull drifter to kill it
he kills ajani with finks, and me with colossus, and pumps the colossus to 8/8, hardcasts mulldrifter
i cast second ajani and tap CC
He kills ajani next turn
I draw land for the 6th turn in a row, and concede
I side in stillmoons and voice of alls and gutteral responses)
I get a quick start with a figure pumped up to a 4/4, and get him down to 6. He tries to stall with bant charm (gutteraled twice), and 2 dryptics. Finally he tried top sower my revielark to his side, but I attacked with the three other creatures I had out, activated windbrisk to reveal a redcap, which killed his sower, and he conceded.
Third game is quick with another uncontested Figure of Destiny getting to 4/4, and him getting stuck on two land.
NEXT game:
Facing Mirror it looks like, or Vengeant weenie which shares cards with me. I get a knight of the meadowgrain out, and he responds with a spectral. I'm getting color screwed getting no red. he attacks, and activates his windbrisk, getting his siege gang commander out. He attacks again, and activate second windbrick summon cloudgoat ranger. Then he summons another siege gang commander.
I concede
Side in wraths stillmoons and VoA
Second game I got him to 6 with a fast attack strategy, then he locked it up. We stared at each other awhile, then I won with an alpha into a windbrisked redcap for the win.
Third game An uncontested Figure took it down with a vengeant activation and redcap summon being the only help. My opponent had Mulled to 5, and never really got in the game.
So i won 5 packs. WhooHoo! that's 15 dollars worth, so that makes up for the 9 tix I used for the tournament entries, and I end the night at +6.
All and all a good night.
P.S.= Played a 2-1 alara block in bed late and lost to weird black and white deck. final total +3
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The slump is over
Ok, so not totally, but the Magic slump is. I haven't spent any more money since I last posted, so the total is still 48. I've manage to either second place or first place all the tournaments I've been in since the last posting. My ranking has gone up to an average 1604. WHOO HOO! No longer in the special Olympics category. Anywho, I joined a 5-3-2-2 tonight cause the 2-1 tourny wasn't firing and took second in that with a new Reveilark deck that I put together today. It was a blast to play and came back from certain defeat more then once. I have suspended drafting until Conflux comes out in February. It's just not profitable for me as it is for Darque.
Halo is still a little rocky. We seem to do ok in the beginning of the match, but then around 30-35 kills, they just run away with it. I am really getting tired of facing people way out of mine and the Mrs. league. Darque is really good, and is ten rankings above us. As a result of that, we end up facing better teams. Everyone says it shouldn't matter...but I really feel like I'm being forced to play at a level that I'm not at yet. Ah well, whatcha gonna do. Maybe the Mrs. and I can practice during January.
Until next time, remember......All work and no play
Halo is still a little rocky. We seem to do ok in the beginning of the match, but then around 30-35 kills, they just run away with it. I am really getting tired of facing people way out of mine and the Mrs. league. Darque is really good, and is ten rankings above us. As a result of that, we end up facing better teams. Everyone says it shouldn't matter...but I really feel like I'm being forced to play at a level that I'm not at yet. Ah well, whatcha gonna do. Maybe the Mrs. and I can practice during January.
Until next time, remember......All work and no play
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Gaming this week has just sucked the big one. Seriously.
In Magic add 15 dollars to the last total, I think that makes it 48 dollars I've spent. I won a few games, but lose way more then I won. I think I'm just in a really bad mindset. Halo 3 has just been awful lately. I've been having the worst games of my "career", and I think I'm actually getting worse if that's possible.
I don't know what is going on. I hope things turn around soon
In Magic add 15 dollars to the last total, I think that makes it 48 dollars I've spent. I won a few games, but lose way more then I won. I think I'm just in a really bad mindset. Halo 3 has just been awful lately. I've been having the worst games of my "career", and I think I'm actually getting worse if that's possible.
I don't know what is going on. I hope things turn around soon
Monday, December 1, 2008
Slight update.
I played two constructed tournaments yesterday and got second in both. One was with G/B elves, and the other with faeries. So that's -6 tix, and +2 packs. My constructed rating is now 1551. Hey at least it's going up slowly.
For those of you keeping track, this means that I have 4 tix and 1 pack as of last night. I bought 2 more packs going from my initial 25 to 33 dollars. This was to enter a draft which I'll cover in a later post. After those drafts though, my limited rating is now 1640. Tune in next time to see why it jumped so much.
Until next time,
Rememeber, all work and no play...
I played two constructed tournaments yesterday and got second in both. One was with G/B elves, and the other with faeries. So that's -6 tix, and +2 packs. My constructed rating is now 1551. Hey at least it's going up slowly.
For those of you keeping track, this means that I have 4 tix and 1 pack as of last night. I bought 2 more packs going from my initial 25 to 33 dollars. This was to enter a draft which I'll cover in a later post. After those drafts though, my limited rating is now 1640. Tune in next time to see why it jumped so much.
Until next time,
Rememeber, all work and no play...
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